Welcome to "The Anxious Vegetarian." There are a lot of travel blogs out there so thank you for stopping by mine. Let me tell you a little about what I hope this blog will be. I want to help people learn from my mistakes and educate people on the places I visit. 

I have a problem - my heart wants to travel but my anxiety keeps me from doing it more. I have been lucky to have a family that loves to travel. Having a support system that understands my issues helps me control my anxiety while traveling. Part of my anxiety comes from not knowing if I will have access to vegetarian food, which explains why I travel with a backpack full of snacks. 

I plan on posting about my trips with tips, pictures, and educational information. I don't travel extensively because of work and budget limitations, but when I do I like to do new things and visit and see new and interesting places. I like learning about different cultures and historical events. 

I hope you enjoy my posts.

P.S. I am an ovo-lacto vegetarian who has an intolerance to soy protein so I really have to limit my intake of soy products and tofu. 


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